Characters Font Foundry

Type specimen CFF Insider Pro

CFF Insider Pro is a friendly custom sans serif corporate typeface for Insider Consulting in Düsseldorf, Germany. CFF Insider Pro is a friendly and formal grotesk font family. Because of the solid proportions and balanced inner forms it’s pleasant to read at small sizes. It’s made for editorial, identity and logo design but also works well in gutsy display headlines. This Type Specimen CFF Insider Pro contains detailed information about all the features in the fonts, and instructions on how to use them.

Type Specimen CFF Insider Pro

This Type Specimen CFF Insider Pro is an addition to the basic information on the CFF Insider pro minisite. It contains detailed information about all the features in the fonts, and instructions on how to use them.

Type Specimen CFF Insider Pro

Standard Ligatures (liga)

CFF Insider Pro has a set of standard ligatures for the normal letter combinations. You’ll find some more exotic ones in the Discretionary Ligatures below:

  • fi
  • fl
  • ff
  • ffi
  • ffl
  • fj

Discretionary Ligatures

CFF Insider Pro has a set of Discretionary Ligatures for the following letter combinations:

  • st
  • sb
  • sh
  • sk
  • cb
  • fb
  • fh
  • fw

Ordinals (ordn)

CFF Insider Pro contains two ordinals:

  • a
  • o

Oldstyle Figures (onum)

CFF Insider Pro has a full set of Old Style Figures, also known as non-lining, lowercase, hanging, or text figures, have varying heights and alignments.

Tabular Lining Figures (tnum)

CFF Insider Pro has a full set of Tabular Lining Figures. All the numbers have the same width and height, allowing them to align vertically in tables, price lists, financial statements and other columns of figures.

Fractions (frac)

CFF Insider Pro has a standard set of fractions for the following number combinations:

  • 1/2
  • 1/4
  • 3/4
  • % (percent)
  • ‰ (perthousand)

Superscript (sups)

CFF Insider Pro has a limited set of superscript numbers:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

Historical Forms (hist)

CFF Insider Pro has two Historical Forms letters for setting text with a historical context:

  • ſ
  • ß

Case-Sensitive Forms (case)

CFF Insider Pro has a set of practical Case Sensitive Forms to support editorial type setting layout. The following letters are supported, both in lowercase as uppercase:

(coming soon)

Slashed Zero

CFF Insider Pro has Slashed Zero for the ‘zero’ number. These alternatives are available in all OpenType features shown above:

  • 0

Full Character Set

The subset of the Insider Pro fonts in this family includes all the glyphs listed below.


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Free font

CFF Insider Pro Medium is forever FREE for you to use!
We are working on CFF Trial Fonts that would make it even more practical for you to play around with our fonts.

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Last update: August 11, 2017